For better of worse as humans research has proven we can't help but judge a book by its cover. Subconsciously we develop a first impression of an individual within 1/10th of a second, unfortunately if that's not a positive impression we may never get the chance to prove otherwise.
Because of this a high quality headshot is critical in the modern days to maximises the opportunity to continue the dialogue, just to get the foot in the door we have to have a great headshot. We put our headshots everywhere, from LinkedIn, resumes. social media and dating websites. Your display photos will impact on both your professional and personal brand whether you want it to or not.
Two things are critical in a great headshot
As a headshot photographer I specialise in coaching you into producing a quality headshots with the above characteristics which are essential in your headshots. All it takes is one extra lead, phone call, booking or job interview for your investment to pay for itself!